
class grasp2alm.BeamGrid(filepath)[source]

Class to hold the data from a beam grid file of GRASP.

  • header (str) – Record with identification text.

  • ktype (int) – Specifies type of file format.

  • nset (int) – Number of field sets or beams.

  • klimit (int) – Specification of limits in a 2D grid.

  • icomp (int) – Control parameter of field components.

  • ncomp (int) – Number of field components.

  • igrid (int) – Control parameter of field grid type.

  • ix (int) – Centre of set or beam No. i.

  • iy (int) – Centre of set or beam No. i.

  • xs (float) – Start x-coordinate of the grid.

  • ys (float) – Start y-coordinate of the grid.

  • xe (float) – End x-coordinate of the grid.

  • ye (float) – End y-coordinate of the grid.

  • nx (int) – Number of columns.

  • ny (int) – Number of rows.

  • freq (float) – Frequency.

  • frequnit (str) – Frequency unit.

  • amp (np.ndarray) – Array of complex amplitudes [theta, phi].


Initialize the BeamGrid object.



Initialize the BeamGrid object.

plot([pol, color_resol, figsize, cmap, ...])

Plot the beam pattern.


Converts beam in polar grid format into Stokes parameters on a polar grid.