
class grasp2alm.BeamPolar(nphi: int, ntheta: int, theta_rad_min: float, theta_rad_max: float, filename: str)[source]

Represents beams of Stokes parameters.

Type to store Stokes parameters of a beam on a spherical polar(theta-phi) grid. This type is an input to the spherical harmonic transform. Internally, this package uses the ‘Ludwig 3’ definition for thepolarisation basis with the co-polar (positive Q) direction aligned with the y-axis.

  • nphi (int) – Number of phi values.

  • ntheta (int) – Number of theta values.

  • theta_rad_min (float) – Minimum theta value in radians.

  • theta_rad_max (float) – Maximum theta value in radians.

  • stokes (ndarray) – Array of shape (4, nphi, ntheta) representing the Stokes parameters (I,Q,U,V).

  • filename (str) – Name of the file.

__init__(nphi: int, ntheta: int, theta_rad_min: float, theta_rad_max: float, filename: str)[source]


__init__(nphi, ntheta, theta_rad_min, ...)

plot([stokes, color_resol, figsize, cmap, ...])

Plot the beam.


Rotates Q and U Stokes parameters from the co-cross basis to the polar basis.

to_map(nside[, nstokes, outOftheta_val, ...])

Convert the BeamPolar to a BeamMap.